iDigBio and the Natural Science Collections Alliance (NSCA) are proud to announce BioDigiCon 2025, combining the goals and activities of the Digital Data in Biodiversity Research Conference and BioDigiCon (formerly the ADBC Summit). The combined event will focus on all phases of the Biodiversity Digitization value chain from data generation, mobilization, and aggregation to the research use, integration, and usability of digital biodiversity data. The conference will showcase advances within public and federal collections, emphasizing opportunities for intra- and international collaboration and data integration across all domains of biodiversity and related sciences, including human health and food security as well as the environmental, ecological, and climate sciences.
Goals of the conference include:
Emphasize the Biodiversity Specimen Digitization Value Chain
Highlight how digitizing biodiversity specimens creates a seamless value chain that supports powerful research outcomes. By leveraging digital collections data, researchers can address global grand challenges and develop innovative solutions, reinforcing the importance of accessible, high-quality digital specimens.
Promote National and International Collaborations
Encourage and advance multidisciplinary collaborations, both nationally and internationally, across the life sciences. Emphasize the importance of data integration and cross-discipline partnerships to amplify the impact of research, ensuring that efforts span diverse scientific fields to tackle complex challenges.
Enhance Novel Research Protocols in Biodiversity
Support the development of innovative biodiversity research protocols that integrate a wide array of scientific perspectives. Encourage collaborations that address grand challenge questions through novel methods, ensuring that diverse approaches lead to transformative research outcomes.
Foster Broader Impacts Across Scientific Collections Communities
Strengthen the connections between varying scientific collections communities, fostering broader impacts by promoting cross-institutional collaboration and resource sharing. Encourage these communities to contribute to and benefit from a more integrated approach to biodiversity research.